Eric Skaja
Eric joined the Equity Office in July of 2024. His primary role is to conduct impartial investigations into allegations of violations of Baylor’s Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct and Civil Rights policies. These violations include allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and discrimination.
Prior to joining the Equity Office, Eric served 25 years in his hometown, at the Escondido Police Department in California. During his Law Enforcement career, Eric gained experience in various administrative and criminal investigations. Eric has training in Interviewing Techniques, Evidence Collection, Case Management, and Restorative Justice. Eric has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from California State University at San Marcos and a Master of Science in Law Enforcement and Public Safety Leadership from the University of San Diego.
Recent Title IX trainings attended:
- Title IX Investigator's Course, Tiers 1-5